"A escada para o Reino dos Céus está escondida em tua alma. Mergulha para dentro dos pecados que estão em ti mesmo e, assim, encontrarás ali uma escada pela qual poderás ascender" Isaac de Nínive.
Obs.: Abaixo, tradução do versículo bíblico para outras línguas:


Music Play

terça-feira, 2 de agosto de 2011

In memoriam...


"Ter diariamente diante dos olhos a morte a surpreendê-lo"  RB 4, 47.*

"No grande silêncio noturno... naquele dia em que será a grande noite de nossa existência, venha em auxílio de nossa miséria o socorro da força que nos exalta"  

#Espaço dedicado a todos aqueles que voltaram para Deus. Em especial:

+ Antônio Moser, O.Cist (24.01.191330.07.03)

+ Mauro Esteva Alsina, O.Cist (10.06.1933 14.11.14)

+ Estevam Stork, O.Cist (21.02.09)

+ David Kneuttinger, O.Cist (23.08.10)
+ Henrique Bauer, O.Cist (06.09.13 09.03.96)
+ Werner Hof, O.Cist (01.02.14 17.03.04)

+ Sebastião J. Galofré, O.Cist (28.08.30 16.06.99)
+ Constantino Almeida, O.Cist (25.02.25 26.12.03)
+ Bernardo Ferdinand Stöttinger, O.cist (07.03.22 21.08.09)
+ Francklin José dos Santos Almeida (27.11.77 26.09.08)

+ Carlos Maurício de Almeida (15.07.1950 14.11.2017)

Ant.  Dá-lhes Senhor o descanso eterno, e que brilhe para eles à Vossa luz.

- Das profundezas eu clamo a Vós, Senhor, *
Escutai a minha voz!
- Vossos ouvidos estejam bem atentos *
Ao clamar da minha prece!

- Se levardes em conta nossas faltas, *
Quem haverá de subsistir?
- Mas em Vós se encontra o perdão, *
Eu Vos temo e em Vós espero

- No Senhor ponho a minha esperança *
Espero em sua palavra.
- A minh’alma espera no Senhor *
Mais que o vigia pela aurora.

- Espere Israel pelo Senhor *
Mais que o vigia pela aurora!
- Pois no Senhor se encontra toda a graça *
E copiosa redenção.

- Ele vem libertar a Israel *
De toda a sua culpa.

Glória ao Pai...

Ant.  Dá-lhes Senhor o descanso eterno, e que brilhe para eles à Vossa Luz. 

# "O Cristo, que nos chamou das trevas à Sua luz admirável, conduza nossos irmãos àquela cidade que não necessita da luz do sol ou da lua, que é iluminada pela claridade de Deus e cuja lâmpada é o Cordeiro".    'Amém'.  
 (Ritual Cisterciense)



(*) Para os padres do deserto, e não fora diferente para São Bento que bebera da fonte trasmitada por estes, pensar na morte não era algo isolado, mas um exercício constante. O próprio Jesus fez menção a este respeito em Seu discurso quando disse: "Pois que adiantará ao homem ganhar o mundo inteiro, se vier a perder a sua alma?" (Mc 8,36), ou ainda: "Vigiai, pois, porque não sabeis a hora em que virá o Senhor!" (Mt 24,42). Entende-se por tanto, que, nesta lembrança se encontra o cerne de toda vigilância humana - tendo em vista as boas obras as quais se deve realizar - pelo olhar humilde que contempla em primeiro lugar a si mesmo, ao se descobrir em sua miséria. Em outras palavras se quer elevar aqui a prática da caridade em relação ao próximo.

Um comentário:

  1. I am a keen follower of Mauro Almeida’s Blog, as a practising Roman Catholic Christian. There is often material of interest providing food for thought and meditation.

    This ‘In Memoriam’ post came to my attention. On first viewing the video, I found it slightly macabre and wondered why I felt uncomfortable, almost literally, ‘staring death in its face’ into the hollow eyes of a skull. This set in motion inner search and meditation. It was not long before the Holy Spirit enlightened me and calmed my fears.

    I was attending mass on the Feast of the Transfiguration where the gospel of the day tells us that Jesus took Peter, James and John up the mountain where He was transfigured ‘his face shone like the sun and his clothes became as white as the light.’ Peter offered to make three tents, one for Jesus, one for Moses and one for Elijah. The priest, celebrating the mass, elaborated this theme in his homily.

    The three tents were likened to tabernacles. The gospel continues to tell us that God declared “This is my son, the Beloved; he enjoys my favour. Listen to him.” The disciples were overcome with fear, however Jesus told them not to be afraid. After descending the mountain, they were then told not to tell anyone about the vision ‘until the Son of Man has risen from the dead’.

    The priest brought to my attention that the Transfiguration is linked to the Resurrection; hence the disciples being told not to talk of the experience until Jesus had risen from the dead.

    The Resurrection is the whole point of our Faith. In Holy Communion we share in our heart and soul the Body and Blood of the Risen Christ in all His humanity, divinity, glory and Godhead so that we may become more like Christ as we make our way through this world to our eternal reward in the next, totally dependent on the mercy of God, of course.

    The priest next reminded me that there is another aspect to Holy Communion in which, under the appearance of the species of bread and wine, we physically absorb Christ, Body for body, Blood for blood and Bone for bone. We, quite literally, become a tabernacle for the Living Christ just as Mary was during the nine months that she carried Jesus in her womb.

    What is my point? If we are a tabernacle, after receiving Holy Communion, in our flesh and blood and bone, a tabernacle, like any other container, needs a structure which is made up of our skeletal body. The sight of death itself, represented in the hollow eyes of the skull in the posted video, no longer hold any fear for me and I was able to review it and focus my attention on what I believe the video’s purpose to be.

    In spite of our best efforts to live our lives according to God’s will, our human weaknesses and tendency to sinfulness get in the way. At the time of our death, we particularly of course, need the prayers of the Requiem Mass as we make our way back to God for all eternity.

    The video finally shows us the paschal candle lit in front of a crucifix. Christ, through his death and resurrection, has opened the gateway to eternal life and death holds no more fear. It is simply a period of transmission from this life to the next, thanks to the mercy of God.

    Thank you Mauro de Almeida for being an instrument in my process. Thank you also to the priest who preached the homily that enabled me to rethink an essential tenet of our faith.

    Lastly may all my forbears (both relatives and friends) rest in Eternal Peace through the Mercy of God.

    R.M.D – London, United Kingdom.


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